3 surprising ways to make your ex – boyfriend want you back like crazy

You want to know how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back and how not to embarrass yourself about that.
You are not the only woman who wants to discover some different ways how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back. Many women have and have had this problem. But, what is positive and interesting is that many of them are back in their partners’ arms.
The main problem is that you can act like so many girls who believe that life is like one of those Hollywood movies. Maybe you think you are going to live ‘happily ever after’ if you find the love of your life. What’s for sure, it had never crossed your mind that everything could end up all of a sudden.
Now, you are here, with a broken heart and without help, and you want to get back with your ex.

Maybe you broke up with him and now you see that you’ve made a mistake. Maybe he broke up with you and you want him to realize that you’re a better woman for him than any other.

This means you have to make your ex-boyfriend want you back. It is just not enough to wish to be together again. He has to want to go back with you, too.
So, how do you come up with a plan to make your ex-boyfriend want you back? Here are some tips that can help you get him.

One of the most common reasons boys break up with their partners is that women often neglect themselves. Perhaps you’ve been thinking that since you already have your man, you don’t have to work so hard to maintain your relationship.

Maybe you couldn’t resist your favourite food and became too lazy to exercise. There’s really nothing wrong with getting comfortable.

But, let’s be honest. Men give a lot more importance than we think to the appearance of a woman. Although they never realize it, they put their partner’s physical appearance first.

They do not care about their partner’s sense of humor, intelligence or personality—not at first, at least.

Have you not seen “Basic Instinct”?

Michael Douglas went crazy for Sharon Stone because she was super-cute and sexy. The very real possibility that she would murder him while having sex or while sleeping didn’t trouble him so much.
So, if you want to go back with your ex, it’s time for your makeover. This is the first and perhaps most important step in learning how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back. It is not enough that he realizes what he has lost. He has to see that he can win much more when you return.

For him, it has to be like getting a new, awesome girl.

By the way, if you’ve just broken up with your ex, this is the perfect time for you to transform, as the two of you gave each other some space.

Here are three easy and effective transformation:

This is perhaps the most important thing you need to work on. A lot of people, these days, are overweight. If you include yourself among these people, you should do some diet and exercise.

This is the fastest way to try out a new look. And if it does not work, do not dwell on it. It’s not permanent and an easy, quick fix is all you need. Color your hair and let the stylist give you advice on how to highlight your best features.
ou must find something that is provocative and sexy, but you don’t want to overdo it. Find something that tells your ex, “Hey, look what you’re missing.”

Perfect lipstick, little black dress, and heels are just a few of essentials to make your effort be a WIN-WIN combination.

So, get fit and then start to change your style. Put on tight jeans, miniskirts, maybe an unbuttoned shirt…you know what I mean winkingeye.

If you want to get your ex back, you must remember how he thinks, and usually he doesn’t think with his brain.
You have to meet and talk to new guys. You just have to be open to some new opportunities and that means talking to other guys.

In your case, he will experience a deeper sense of loss when he sees you talking to other guys. When he sees you talking to another man, he will see the very real possibility that the man you are talking to may be your next boyfriend. That can challenge your ex-boyfriend’s sense of competitiveness and possessiveness.

Talk to your other male friends when you see your ex at school or your male colleagues, as well as other guys at a party when your ex is around, too. Even if he approaches and talks to you, you will have the confidence to say all the right things to get more of his attention.

If you want to make your ex-boyfriend want you back, you have to look good and make him understand that this new version of you is appreciated by other guys.

And he will have to enhance his game if he wants you back.

Smile a lot and flirt a little when you talk to other guys. This way your ex-boyfriend will think that you have already opened yourself up to new romantic opportunities.

Now, be honest. Do you know why he broke up with you? The moment you realize why, you should try to find a solution. After all, we must all strive to improve ourselves.

There are many habits that can really infuriate men. Maybe you were too overwhelming and controlling. Maybe you spent too much money on your fancy stuff. Perhaps you are one of those women who expect men to read their minds to know what they really want.

So, let’s summarize it, okay? If you want your ex to want you back, you must become the woman he would want to have in his life. You have to be a better person from the inside out— and you have to make sure he knows that!

Of course, you should never make it too obvious that you really want to get him back.

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